
NO HOPE-NO FEAR is a radio show dedicated to the music of the former Yugoslavia and countries that succeeded it. The aim of the show is to connect audiences in Canada with the new music produced in the Yugoslav region, as well as to focus on certain topics, people, events and ideas that shaped, or are still shaping the Yugoslav / post-Yugoslav music scene. Finally, No Hope – No Fear follows and supports musical activities of Yugoslav diaspora in an attempt to promote, connect and create a network of local artists, events, and organisations. Music presented in the show is not limited by genre but is focused on urban, underground and independent artists. The first episode aired on December 20, 2015.
There are several show formats that are used from episode to episode:
•    Episodes dedicated to new music – presenting recent releases from former Yugoslavia
•    Episodes featuring interviews with prominent artists from the former Yugoslavia
•    Studio guests – local (diasporic) artists or ex-YU artists vising / touring Canada
•    Episodes dedicated to specific artist, albums, topics, events or ideas

The show is presented in English language to be accessible to the listeners beyond Yugoslav diaspora.

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Raise your voice!

Show your support through word of mouth, social media shares, and of course, donations.

Click for more information on this year’s fundraising drive.