- TimeTitleArtistAlbum
- 10:06gordon lightfootunited artists collectionchanges
- 10:07gordon lightfootunited artists collectionpride of man
- 10:09alfie smithevery rome needs a neroevery rome needs a nero
- 10:11alfie smithevery rome needs a neromule
- 10:18sierra ferrelltrail of flowersamerican dreaming
- 10:20sierra ferrelltrail of flowersdollar bill bar
- 10:26tom chapinmp3I've forgotten
- 10:30mary chapin carpenter,julie fowlis,karine polwartmp3a heart that never closes
- 10:37lynn milesslightly hauntedlast night
- 10:40lynn milesslightly hauntedyou don't love me anymore
- 10:49brent masonget in lineenough of tomorrow
- 10:50brent masonget in linethe grass ain't greener
- 10:55winter wilsonhomeanyone's high street
- 11:21twangtown paramoursthe wind will change againsincerely yours no more
- 11:23twangtown paramoursthe wind will change againa room in bordeaux
- 11:25twangtown paramoursthe wind will change againold friends
- 11:30twangtown paramoursthe wind will change againthe wind will change again
- 11:38crys matthewsReclamationthe difference between
- 11:39crys matthewsreclamationthe bigger picture
- 11:43john mcutcheonfield of starsonly one dancing
- 11:49john mccutcheonfield of starsred neck
- 11:55jade turnerBreathestay wild child
- 12:00jade turnerBreathethat wind
- 12:07matthew lienFull Circlechase the clouds away
- 12:08matthew lienFull CircleI'm easy pray
- 12:13bett padgettfolk now jan. 2024when winter comes to call
- 12:16mike wardfolk now jan. 2024immigration nation
- 12:22tennessee bluegrass bandthe future of the pastfar from you
- 12:25tennessee bluegrass bandthe future of the pasthillbilly blues
- 12:31tennessee bluegrass bandthe future of the pastI'm warming up to AN OLD FLAME
- 12:35ducharme familydown on the rivershenandoah breakdown
- 12:36tennesse bluegrass bandthe future of the pastkentucky sun going down
- 12:39tennessee bluegrass bandthe future of the pastleslie county blues
- 12:47tennessee bluegrass bandthe future of the pasttall weeds and rust
- 12:49silverbirchtime for one more dreamdevil of the bottle
- 12:50silverbirchtime for one more dreamno answers
- 12:53henhouse prowlerslead and ironhome for
- 12:54henhouse prowlerslead and ironlead and iron